I had listened to songs in it before I went to bed and as soon I wake up that message was waiting me to see it. "A media card has been inserted that is not formatted.Would you like to format it now?" I was taken by surprise wondering how things went wrong. But one morning, a week later after formatting my Blackberry Torch gave me a warning pop-up. Suspecting it was because of virus I first deep scanned my computer and micro SD with Panda AV updated. Only option left was to format it and so I formatted it in my phone.I re-copied all of the files (songs,pics, videos and few pdfs) which I had fortunately backed up in my laptop. The new directories were added automatically and they were not deletable (read only files and directories). A month ago the files inside it showed pretty unusual behaviour. It is three months since I've been using it on my Blackberry Torch 9800. If my eyes have not stopped working then there is no any write protection switch anywhere in it. It is Strontium micro SD and made in Taiwan. I tried searching kioskea and google.The threads and problem were similar to mine but not exactly same as I could not find the solution for myself in any mentioned ways.